Law Offices of Eric T. Stahl
Eric T. Stahl
Yale Law School, J.D. (1995)
Southern Methodist University, B.A. (1991)
University College, Oxford
Law Offices of Eric T. Stahl (2019-)
Law Offices of Frank L. Branson, P.C. (2005-2019)
commercial litigation, products liability, appellate
Vinson & Elkins, LLP (1995-2004)
commercial litigation
Texas (1995)
Federal Courts for the Northern, Eastern, and Southern Districts of Texas
United States Courts of Appeals for the Fourth, Fifth, and Federal Circuits
Getting Your Fiduciary Case Right, State Bar of Tex., Prof. Dev. Program, Advance Civil Trial (2016)
Minority Shareholder Claims in the Wake of Ritchie v. Rupe, CORPORATE COUNSEL REVIEW (May 2015)
Current Status of Derivative Litigation in Closely Held Corporations and LLCs Post-Sneed and Ritchie, State Bar of Tex., Prof. Dev. Program, Advanced
Fiduciary Litigation Program (2015)